Kinsley TSOI
Peer Mentor
BBA IS & ACCT, Year 3
My involvement in the Peer Mentoring Program, through engaging with peer mentees and participating in mentor training, has offered me valuable insights that have greatly impacted my personal growth.
Kennice PONG
Peer Mentee
BBA GBUS, Year 1
The Peer Mentoring Program has been a great platform for me to build new friendships, gain insights from seniors and adjust to university life more easily.
Gregorius Brian TENARDI
Peer Mentor
BBA FINA & IS, Year 3
The Peer mentoring program acts as a platform to engage with the new students and contribute to the SBM community and HKUST as a whole. I feel satisfied to be able to introduce them to our culture and help them adapt. A highly rewarding experience throughout!
Aditi Parag DEODHAR
Peer Mentor
MGMT, Year 3
The Peer Mentoring Program is a wonderful opportunity to meet like-minded people and learn from their stories and diverse experiences. It has helped me understand and empathize with my fellow students better and also improve my people skills. It’s also lovely to be able to give back to my alma mater and help co-create a supportive and engaged community of students!
Gillian Sero DEL MUNDO
Peer Mentor
BBA GBUS, Year 2
I was eager to help the freshmen adjust to their first year at HKUST. The mentors I had when I was a freshman provided a lot of help and useful advice, which is something I will always be grateful for. It was fun holding activities for the freshman to meet their first friends at School and also shaping their first moments here at HKUST.
April AU
Peer Mentor
BBA IS & MGMT, Year 2
Being a peer mentor is undoubtedly an inspiring experience, it enables me to develop interpersonal skills and contributes to the school and mentees.